Custom Fields is the two features that really transformed WordPress from a simple blogging tool to a fully-fledged CMS. A custom field is needed to receive an input data from a users who visit your website, this is absolutely necessary for developing a website types such as online directory site, free classified ads, real estate listings, etc. There are millions of WordPress plugins for just about every function and need out there.
So, here is some of the best free custom field WordPress plugins that have a powerful and unique features such repeater, true / false field, many field types to choice form and more. If you like our art collection, so check out these other posts will interest you too: Best Free WordPress Themes for Photoblog 2015, Excellent WordPress Free Facebook Share Widgets, Best Premium WordPress Holiday Themes and Useful Free Affiliate Marketing WordPress Plugins.
1. Smart Custom Fields
Smart Custom Fields is a simple plugin that management custom fields. This plugin has loop field function. Supported metadata revision. Supported metadata preview.
2. Admin Page Framework
Admin Page Framework provides plugin and theme developers with easier means of building option pages. Extend the library class and pass your arrays that define the form elements to the predefined class methods. The library handles all the complex coding behind the scene and creates the pages and the forms for you.
3. Get User Custom Field Values
This plugin provides a powerful widget, shortcode (with shortcode builder tool), and template tags for easily retrieving and displaying custom field values for the currently logged in user or any specified user. This plugin does NOT help you in setting user custom field values, nor does it provide an interface to list or otherwise manage user custom fields.
4. ACF Media Credit
This plugin uses the Repeater field of Advanced Custom Fields to add options for a Credit and Credit Link on each item in your Media Library. Currently this will only correlate and display for IMAGES on the front end. This does not support credits for .pdf files, .swf files, .doc files, etc.
5. WCK – Custom Fields and Custom Post Types Creator
WordPress Creation Kit consists of three tools that can help you create and maintain custom post types, custom taxonomies and most importantly, custom fields and metaboxes for your posts, pages or CPT’s. WCK Custom Fields Creator offers an UI for setting up custom meta boxes with custom fields for your posts, pages or custom post types. Uses standard custom fields to store data.
6. Custom Fields Search
This plugin allows you to add custom website search field in any post. It comes with a list of custom fields. All you need is to choose which of them you want to see in search. Make your site useful and effective with the Custom Field Search Plugin. This handy plugin allows extending standard WordPress search functionality by adding custom post types to it. Hence, if you would like to have portfolios, galleries or any other custom post type on your website to be displayed in the search results, Custom Search plugin will be the best solution.
7. Types – Custom Fields and Custom Post Types Management
Types let’s you customize the WordPress admin by adding content types, custom fields and taxonomy. You will be able to craft the WordPress admin and turn it into your very own content management system. Types lets you add custom fields for both posts (meaning, WordPress posts, pages and custom content types), as well as users. You can add any field types to different user profiles.
8. Custom Field Template
The Custom Field Template plugin adds the default custom fields on the Write Post/Page. The template format is almost same as the one of the rc:custom_field_gui plugin. You can set any number of the custom field templates and switch the templates when you write/edit the post/page. This plugin does not use the ini file for the template but set it in the option page of the plugin.
9. Meta Box
Meta Box plugin provides powerful API to implement custom meta boxes and custom fields in editing pages (add new/edit post) in WordPress. It works with any custom post type and supports lots of field types. Easily register multiple custom meta boxes for posts, pages or custom post types. Has built-in hooks which allow you to change the appearance and behavior of meta boxes
10. Advanced Custom Fields
Advanced Custom Fields is the perfect solution for any wordpress website which needs more flexible data like other Content Management Systems. Select from multiple input types (text, textarea, wysiwyg, image, file, page link, post object, relationship, select, checkbox, radio buttons, date picker, true / false, repeater, flexible content, gallery and more to come! Uses the native WordPress custom post type for ease of use and fast processing.
11. My Upload Images
This plugin create the metabox with the media uploader into any post types. In the metabox, You can drag images into any order you like. The IDs and the order of images will put on record in the custom field of your posts as array.
12. Post Meta
Post Meta is a wordpress custom post field, post type and taxonomy management Plugin. It has smart and modern (ajax and jquery based) interface to create post meta option or custom meta field as group or field. It also support smart shortcode with ui and Import & export feature. Every developer should have it.
13. Post Meta Manager
Creates a panel to change or delete meta keys in bulk. Useful for when you are switching plugins or themes that use specific meta keys for functionality, or for general cleanup for older sites that may have older meta data that is no longer in use.
14. Font Awesome Field
Add a Font Awesome icon to your post with this awesome standalone custom metabox. Font Awesome gives you scalable vector icons that can instantly be customized – size, color, drop shadow, and anything that can be done with the power of CSS. For developers it is easy to use the field in your theme. With the template functions the_fa() for echoing and get_ga() for returning the icon within the WordPress loop.
15. Date and Time Picker Field
This is an add-on for the Advanced Custom Fields WordPress plugin, that allows you to add a Date and Time Picker field type. Advanced Custom Fields version 4.3.5 and up. Advanced Custom Fields version 3 and bellow.