Logo serves as a representation of an organization. Often, it indicates an aspect of a company or a society. Music logo designs, whether it is a piano logo, guitar logo, or other instrument logo, is one of the most used type of logo designs in the industry. A logo which incorporates the shape of a piano is widely used by pianists and companies related to music such as record label or radio station, music school, dramatics school and a lot more.
There is a wide range of logo designs related to music and you will never get dearth of choices. Here, I have compiled a list of amazing piano logo design examples have been offered below. Be inspired as you browse through this amazing collection and who knows? This may help you create the next big thing! You may want to take a look at the following related articles: eagle logos, furniture logos and sports logos.

2. David M Piano

3. Pandante

4. The Piano Factory

5. Piano

6. Rhythm Jumper

7. Music Books

8. The Piano Cafe

9. The Note Store

10. One MANN Band

11. Minerva Music Machine

12. Beat Market

13. Tyler Done Music

14. Pure Lessons Logo

15. Eleven Music

16. Happy Tone

17. Virtuoso

18. Stripe Music

19. Music

20. Tunecake

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Awesome Logos…..