Attracting clients to your business is no easy feat, but it’s also one of the most important things you can do for your business. With the incredible selection of products and services available online – and the stiff competition that comes with it – it’s now more important than ever to make your business stand out. One reliable way to do that is to master the art of product visualization.

In essence, product visualization is the way you present your products to your clients. It’s all about the images, animations, and other visual media you use to give your customer the most clear idea of what your product is all about that you can. This can only work to your advantage, as people will be much more likely to buy something they understand better than something they only have a vague notion of.
Here are five techniques you can use to make your product visualizations hard to ignore.
The most traditional way to display a product, photography forms the backbone of all forms of product visualizations. Even if a product is advertised using a 3D model, you can be sure that the way it is presented has been influenced by photography. While basic compared to some of the more cutting-edge features, as well as carrying a host of issues, photography still remains the best way to showcase fabrics, landscapes, and people.

The key point here is that you can’t skimp on it – good photography costs quite a bit. But what you’re getting is definitely worth the price, as in the hands of an artists that knows their craft inside and out, with knowledge on how to use lighting and angles to your advantage, your products can be presented in a truly stunning fashion.
3D Modelling
Photography’s more modern cousin, 3D modelling is meant to evoke the exact same feelings as photography. The main difference is, however, that photographs are flat representation of something that exists in reality, while 3D modelling gives you a 3D representation of an item that doesn’t necessarily exist. Thanks to the latest advances in technology, 3D models are now completely indistinguishable from the real deal, especially in fields like furniture (which has resulted in IKEA allegedly relying completely on 3D models). They’re also a much more cost-effective option, on top of giving you a plethora of options, such as different patterns and colors, angles, etc.
Mood Scenes
Sure, there is something to be said about the appeal of simplicity. You can display your product on a blank background, arguing that the minimalism of the setting truly brings out the essence of the product on display, drawing more attention to it. But sometimes it’s a well-composed image that is what really brings the people in, and unlike photography, 3D models don’t actually come with backgrounds. If you take advantage of things like color theory and make sure that the mood in your images invites your customers to purchase it, that would definitely be a pro move.
Augmented Reality
A much more quirky solution to the ones that we’ve listed earlier, AR is particularly an amazing choice of product visualization for areas like furniture and decor. To elaborate, augmented reality is the technology that allows you to project a digital image on a real-life background using your mobile device’s camera. Needless to say, this is probably the best way to give your clients a way to see how well your product will fit into their lives, aside from just letting them take the piece for a test drive.
360 Product Spinners
Finally, 360 Product Spinners have been gaining more and more traction lately, and for good reason. 360 product visualization allows your client to see the product from all possible angles, not just the one that the manufacturer has deemed the most favorable, which builds some trust on a subconscious level. Additionally, some products have various aspects to them that only become apparent after viewing from a different angle. And while just adding more photos from different angles could do the job, 360 images make it that much easier to make sense of what you’re seeing. It’s essentially like going to the store to see what the product looks like first-hand before the purchase. Many clients appreciate it, and you can definitely use it to your advantage.
With the many techniques available online, there is a lot you can do to make your products look much more enticing to your potential client. Whether you take a more traditional or forward-thinking approach, in the end, it’s your imagination and openness to experimentation that will allow you to pick the best method to visualize your product.