If one company uses the resources of another, parent, web hosting company for the purpose of selling it as their own, they are a reseller. When looking for a web hosting company to host your design website, you will find that most web hosting companies offer reseller packages. Some people may benefit from hosting their site with a reseller, but is it the best option for you? It is important for you to be knowledgeable about reseller hosting in order to determine whether it is the right option for you.
Reseller Features
There are hosts whose fee is contracted with the reseller and determined by a per client charge. With the addition of another client of the reseller, the host charge is determined at a specific rate.
Another choice available for you is to choose from various reseller packages offered by a number of different web hosting companies. The various features offered in reseller packages differ among the many hosting companies. However, the reseller packages offered by most companies include the following common features:
• The parent hosting company can be invisible to your client.
• You are able to manage plans according to your individual needs.
• You are able to configure accounts to meet your needs.
• Bandwidth
• Disc Space
• Domain Hosting
• Features such as control panel, monitoring tools, additional scripts and email can pass through to your clients much like the ones offered to clients of the parent company.
The Benefit of Using a Reseller Web Host
Web hosting is included in the services and products of a number of service providers. Relying on Internet technology, they offer web hosting that can be purchased separately in order to provide you with the meeting of all your Internet needs in the same location.
How is Reseller Hosting Better than Shared Hosting?
Perhaps you’re a small business and you begin with a single domain name and a shared hosting account. Eventually, it becomes necessary to add an additional domain name for another site and maybe you even add a third. Now, you must manage a number of shared hosting accounts. Wouldn’t a reseller host be better?
Yes, it certainly would. Since a reseller account is basically a big, master hosting account, it possesses all the same features of shared hosting, but it also has a lot more features as well. Under the reseller account, you can create several shared hosting accounts. A Reseller can be an advantageous plan for you if you’re looking for an easier and more powerful means to manage a number of domains, hosting accounts and web sites.
Since a reseller plan offers many more features, superior control, more flexibility and is easier to manage, it is far better for you if you have two or three domains. You can manage your reseller account and all its secondary, client accounts with just one login. Each and every account you create has its own e-mail, statistics, web directory and cPanel control panel and is a full shared hosting account as well.
A great advantage of a reseller account is its personal nameservers. The personal nameservers make it possible for you to create your own nameserver including the brand of your reseller domain instead of the nameserver provided by your host.
If it becomes necessary for you to move a number of your domains to a new host or server, you’ll be horribly aware of the huge amount of work needed. First, you have to alter the nameserver list for each and every domain individually at the registrar of the domain. With a reseller, you only need register the new IP addresses of your personal nameservers. This allows for all your client domains to automatically go to the new location.
Advantages of a Reseller Account
• You need only pay one monthly or annual bill.
• With just one login, you can manage all your cPanel accounts and domains.
• You can create your own, self-signed SSL certificates.
• You have greater control and can set bandwidth limits and disk space usage for each account or groups of accounts.
• You can use personal nameservers.
• You can automatically provide reliable setup of files for new accounts through a skeleton directory.
A reseller account may be just what you’re looking for if you presently manage several domains or plan to.
Concerns of Using a Reseller Web Host
Reseller web hosts are usually reputable and will provide quality service. Make sure that you can get customer support may not be equal to a parent company, and you may have to wait for assistance. If the parent company of the reseller is not strong, you may be dissatisfied with outages and lower percentages of uptime.
There is also the possibility of a reseller increasing the cost of your hosting or lessening the features you get. It may also be cheaper to use the parent company. Therefore, it might be a good idea to check before making your final decision.
The reseller may control your site, and when you’re dissatisfied will make it difficult for you to access your files or move to another host. Of course, this doesn’t happen often, but you should be aware of the possibility. However, if this should occur, do your best to find out who the parent company is and contact them.