WordPress Jetpack is showing up on many WordPress installs now. In fact, if you use BlueHost for your hosting and install WordPress with SimpleScripts, Jetpack is installed automatically for you. Jetpack is a plugin developed by Automatic, made up of a bunch of useful modules. However, some of these modules require a connection to WordPress.com.
Here, in this post I have compiled a list of 17 most useful free wordpress widgets for Jetpack. You can free download these widgets for your wordpress blogs. While compiling this list, it’s always a possibility that I missed some other great resources. Feel free to share it with us.
You may be interested in the following modern trends related articles as well: Premium Blogging WordPress Themes, Free Contacts Plugins for WordPress, Free Bug Tracking Tools and Free Photoshop Butterfly Brushes.
1. Jetpack Post Views
Jetpack Post Views is a plugin that lets you integrate Jetpack stats into your site. Jetpack is a great plugin that lets you track information about your blog.

2. xili-language
xili-language provides for a bilingual (or multilingual) website an automatic selection of language (.mo) in theme according to the language of current post(s) or page.

3. myCRED
myCRED is an adaptive points management system that lets you award / charge your users for interacting with your WordPress powered website.

4. Post Profit Stats
Setting this up could not be easier. Simply add the amount per view you are paying your authors or whomever, and that’s it!

5. Manual Control for Jetpack
The Jetpack plugin by Automattic does something sneaky: it auto-activates new Jetpack modules. Instead of allowing you to opt in to new modules, Jetpack cheerfully activates them without your permission.

6. Tiled Galleries Carousel Without Jetpack
There is no doubt that JetPack packed with tons of features. However, many users don’t want all that monstrous codes in their blog for one or two modules.

7. Jetpack Post Statistics Link
Adds a custom column to the “Posts” and “Pages” Administration pages that provides a link to the JetPack Statistics for every post and page on your blog.

8. Jetpack German
Use Jetpack with proper German translations. Approved for client usage. Jetpack endlich komplett in vernünftigem Deutsch.

9. Gallery Carousel Without JetPack
The carousel feature transforms your standard built-in WordPRess galleries into an immersive full-screen experience with comments and EXIF metadata.

10. Jetpack Easy Playlists
Audio support in WordPress makes me cry. No native player, the fields in the Media library seem wrong for audio, and let’s not get into ID3 tag reading.

11. Jetpack Subscriptions Shortcode
Extends the Jetpack plugin and allows you to add a Subscription form anywhere inside your posts thanks to the [jpsub] shortcode.

12. Jetpack Only for Admins
Hides Jetpack for all non admin users. Hides the menu page as well as the icon in the admin bar.

13. Jetpack Sharing Butttons Shortcode
Extends the Jetpack plugin and allows you to add sharing buttons anywhere inside your posts thanks to the [jpshare] shortcode.

14. 42U Jetpack Booster
The 42U Jetpack Booster adds redirect tags and HTML email templates to Jetpack Contact Forms.

15. Jetpack Extras by BarryCarlyon
This plugin adds extra bits an pieces to WordPress Jetpack.

16. Follow Button for Jetpack
Jetpack is a WordPress plugin that supercharges your self-hosted WordPress.org powered site with the features previously only available to WordPress.com users.

17. Jetpack Feedback Exporter
Export Jetpack Contact Form Feedback data to a csv file. Select which form you would like and click export, that’s it!