Voting can be used by any website who like to interact with their users and get to know them better. A simple vote can change the mood of the user, trust me it is very interesting to play around with polls. WordPress voting widgets also allow writers to enhance visitor engagement and visually improve their articles with more unique content.
With the presence of voting widgets, you can easily know the opinion of your readers regarding a certain issue or idea. Thankfully there are several free WordPress polling widgets that can easily be integrated into your own WP blog. I have compiled a list of some best free WordPress voting widgets which can change the total mood of the website.
Please share in your comments on what you think about these widgets and if these are useful for you. If you like this article, you might be interested in some of our other articles on: Free Portfolio Style WordPress Themes, Free Palm Tree Brushes for Photoshop, Free Social Bar WordPress Widgets and Political WordPress Premium Themes.
1. Like Button Voting & Rating
Add a Like Button to posts, pages, comments and custom post types! Sort content by likes! Get instant voting statistics and insights! Allows visitors to like and dislike posts, pages, comments and custom post types anonymously.

2. Yasr – Yet Another Stars Rating
Yet Another Stars Rating (YASR) is a new system review based on jquery plugin RateIT. With YASR you can make your own review or let your visitors vote, and you can even create multiple sets (a set of stars for each aspect to rate).

3. Polls by OpinionStage
The Opinion Stage poll plug-in allows you to easily add standard or social polls to your website or Facebook page. Filter the poll results using social & demographic filters such as social network belonging, gender, location, time-frame and more.

4. WP ULike
WP ULike plugin allows to integrate a beautiful Ajax Like Button into your WordPress website to allow your visitors to like and dislike pages and posts. Its very simple to use and support a widget to display the most liked posts.

5. Rating-Widget: Star Rating System
The Rating-Widget Star Ratings WordPress plugin allows you to create and manage ratings from within your WordPress dashboard. You can embed thumb & star ratings into your posts, pages or comments.

6. YOP Poll
YOP Poll plugin allows you to easily integrate a survey in your blog post/page and to manage the polls from within your WordPress dashboard but if offers so much more than other similar products.

7. WP Social Voting
Wp Social Voting plugin will give your visitor to vote on any post in your blog. Voting will be 100% pure as plugin approve it after get proper response from social media. Admin can check the voting from admin panel and delete any approved vote or approve any vote from backend.

8. Simple Feedback
This plugin allowes registered users to vote for several topics. It is available in english, german, french, spanish.

9. Tribulant Gallery Voting
Simply let users vote/like photos/images in your WordPress galleries. Installating and activating this plugin will place a vote/like link and a vote count below each photo of all WordPress image/photo galleries using the gallery shortcode.

10. MiwoPolls – Polls & Voting Simplified
MiwoPolls is a simple and flexible plugin for voting. It displays the vote results in 2 types, a nice pie chart or default table way. MiwoPolls offers you lots of options that makes it very flexible. You can add as much options as you want, choose different color for each option.

11. Polling Widget: Ranker Lists
Use Ranker’s free widget to create a fully-customizable “ranking poll” – a list about any topic that your visitors impact by voting items up and down, ranking the list, or adding items. The plugin comes with a built in shortcode generator, you only need the URL of the list on Ranker, we’ll do the rest. Setup defaults for your site including colors, fonts, size and layout.

12. Polls by Polar
Polar polls are a mobile-first mix of photo slideshows and lightweight participation perfect for today’s world of instant interactions. On mobile, desktop, and beyond we provide your audience with a simple, instant way to share their opinion.

13. Better WordPress Polldaddy Polls
This plugin helps you add Polldaddy Polls to your WordPress website easily. BWP Polldaddy Polls focuses on the front end rather than the back end, i.e. you edit your polls on and you choose how to show them on your website.

14. NextGEN Gallery Voting
Adds the ability for users to vote and rate your NextGEN Images. Simple options give you the ability to limit who can vote on what. Allow a user to vote as often as they want, or just once per image. Choose if registered and logged in users can vote.

15. Sexy Polling
Sexy Polling – Find out what your audience thinks! You will be surprised by count of all the possible features! Completely new checkbox selection effect, implemented special for SEXY extensions. Shows estimated time until poll starting.