Your website is visited by actual humans and it should be according to what these humans want in a website. There is no use in having or owning websites that are not for the users or are worth exploring. 

Even though your website is scrolled and explored by the bots, their purpose in exploring it is to identify how user-friendly your site is.  From this fact, we can assume how significant user-friendliness is for a website. Get your WooCommerce site optimized and revamped according to what your users want; if you do not know how to do it, we have the solution for you. 

Explore this blog to find the best possible ways! 

7 Ways You Can Make WooCommerce Store User-Friendly

The best and most effective ways you can make your WooCommerce site user-friendly are:

  1. Simple Interface

The website theme you choose must be according to your target audience’s palate. Offering a website theme that is no less than pain to the user’s eyes is a big no. Your store’s friendliness revolves around the experiences the web users have and the website interface is a key contributor to these experiences. 

Choose a vibrant and eye-soothing WooCommerce theme with a friendly interface to make your entire store user-centric. 

  1. Visible Icons

Do not include anything in your WooCommerce site that is a testament to the user’s patience. Having too small and non-responsive icons can ruin your website by offering nothing more than struggles and bad experiences to the customers. Have properly visible and color-coordinated icons for improved icon visibility.

This must be a very minor thing, but the icons on your website are something your web users interact with the most. 

  1. Better Product Pages

Are your product pages well structured and organized? If not, then your WooCommerce site is not user-friendly at all. An optimized product page is more customer-friendly than an unoptimized product page and this is a fact that no one can deny. To optimize your product pages, you can include relevant, clear, and optimized images, display product prices and details, along with customer reviews. 

Optimizing the WooCommerce product pages will make it easier for users to scroll through all the products to reach their desired product. 

  1. Responsive & Friendly Carts

The functioning of the cart also decides the custom experience and whether the customers will proceed with the checkout or not. Having responsive and user-friendly carts is one way to make your WooCommerce store user-friendly. This eventually results in lowering the abandonments and increasing online sales. 

For a better provision of user experience shopping at your website, add a side cart with the side cart WooCommerce plugin. This side cart will keep the user updated about items being added to the cart in real time without reading the page. 

  1. Customer Support & Guidance

Your WooCommerce site is your property and you are familiar with every nook and cranny of it. But it is something you must not expect from your web users because every user comes with different levels of understanding. The web user will always look for some support and guidance from you before they make a decision.

If they do not get this support and guidance, they not only abandon the site but have an extremely poor experience, making them never look back. To counter such issues and offer support to users for making the site friendly, you can enable live chats and chatbots on your site. 

  1. Customization Options

A mundane website is not user-friendly at all and it has to be exciting and attention-grabbing for the incoming traffic. To make your website worth visiting and scrolling, make it more like a home for web users. To ensure web users have the best experience shopping from you, pay attention to their customization needs. 

A customized website with a lot of personalization opportunities is more user-centric than its counter sites. So, if you have not updated your website for its customization, you need a change, and that too for your and your web user’s good. 

  1. Make Your Store Trustworthy

This may sound odd, but trustworthiness makes your website more user-friendly. When a website is trustworthy, it becomes the ultimate choice, even for first-time users. For people purchasing online, the most important factor is trust. If your website is not trustworthy, there is no way the user will feel safe and confident in purchasing from you. 

To build this trust, you can incorporate secure payment gateways as well as customer reviews and experiences. 

What Happens When Websites Are Not User-Friendly?

A lot of unexpected things and unwanted factors could appear for a less user-friendly website. It is because of the vast opportunities and improved experiences it offers. When this significant factor is missing in your website, a lot of things go against you:

Here are some issues that your online business may face:

  • Reduced website traffic
  • Poor user experiences
  • Increase in cart abandonment
  • Less time on the website
  •  Higher bounce rates

These are some major issues that you can face by ignoring the significance of user-friendly sites. This list grows when the website is not revamped for a user-centric site. 

Key Takeaway!

The key takeaway of this blog is that user-friendliness is significant and has the potential to bring the best for your online business and success. If you are planning to make your WooCommerce store user-friendly, make sure to keep the previously mentioned points in consideration for better outcomes. Do not shy away from taking the support of WooCommerce plugins and extensions to achieve your goal.