Sure, Tumblr supplies you with pre-made themes you can use on your blog, but why stick with just those provided to you? There is a growing community of designers out there creating some very cool free and premium themes you can install on your site, giving you a totally new look and added functionality. You can use these themes to build your very own blog network. Learn more about PBN at
One thing that Tumblr definitely has going in its favor is the number of themes that are now available. Tons of free themes and a growing premium theme marketplace make it easy to find a theme you like, and most are easily customizable even if you don’t know tons of code. Below are more than 20 awesome Tumblr premium themes.
You may have missed:
- A Showcase of WordPress Technology Themes from ThemeForest
- 25 Awesome Collection of Under Construction Templates
- 15+ of the Best Premium Drupal Themes for Developers
- The 15 Best High Quality WordPress Music Themes
1. Pandemonium Magazine – Tumblr

2. Rapture Tumblr Theme

3. Chocolate T: Useful Tumblr Theme

4. Domericano – Minimal Tumblr Blog / Portfolio Theme

5. Shift Tumblr Theme

6. Squared Magazine – Tumblr News and Magazine Theme

7. Polaroid Tumblr Theme

8. Cleanfolio – A Clean Tumblr Portfolio Theme

9. Essentia – 2 in 1 Tumblr Theme

10. GothicDream

11. All Down the Line: A Mini vCard site for Tumblr

12. The Playground Tumblr Theme

13. Desire Tumblr Theme

14. Minimus Tumblr Theme – 2 in 1

15. Litefolio – Portfolio Theme for Tumblr

16. Gallera – Photo Gallery and Portfolio Theme for Tumblr

17. Meteoro 2028: A new Tumblr Portfolio

18. Time Goes Back: A Tumblr Portfolio Theme

19. Forma – Premium Tumblr Theme

20. Pixelated Tumblr Theme

This is a guest post from Kyle Sanders at CWR Design, a development and design shop based in Austin, Texas.