Smart Phones are all over the place. Smart phones are everywhere, not only in your hands but also on the internet. Here is a wonderful roundup of some of the best and free smart phones GUI PSD packs for you. For every designer, having a good collection of high quality PSD files is a must have thing with which he cannot complete the majority of his design work. We hope that you like this compilation and get the full benefit of it.
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1. Android GUI PSD

2. HTC Desire HD – PSD

3. Palm Pre Interface Examples

4. Carbon

5. iPad GUI Kit in PSD

6. Samsung Nexus S

7. iPhone 4 PSD – HD

8. Animated iOS 5 Boot Logo for Lockscreen

9. iPhone PSD Vector Kit

10. HTC G2 – PSD

11. HTC Touch 2 Smartphone

12. LS Winter

13. RIM Blackberry PSD

14. HTC Wildfire – PSD

15. iPad PSD

16. Crumpled Paper v.1.0 by Paci

17. Google Android GUI PSD

18. Motorola Droid 2 – PSD

19. LG Arena UI

20. Samsung Galaxy Nexus

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